About The Film

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‘After Auschwitz’ is a 60min documentary reiterating the importance of holocaust education within society today. As our contributors maintain, the world has not learned from the events of the past and still, we see acts of discrimination, segregation and violence towards certain communities.

Touching upon contemporary issues such as the Rise of the Golden Dawn in Greece, the mistreatment of Roma within Europe and anti-Semitism in modern Hungary, the documentary highlights the extremities to which humanity can go – a place we must never go again.

The film was accepted as part of the 2014 Sheffield videotheque and will shortly be available to watch online.

For now, here’s the trailer:

The documentary attempts to warn of what can happen, and reflects upon events today that show that discrimination still happens. It is important for this reason – be us children, adults, politicians, teachers or film-makers – that we learn about the events of the holocaust and continue to pass on these lessons for generations to come.

I was interviewed for the R13 Degree Show at Ravensbourne. Here’s what happened.

If you’re interested in knowing more about the process behind the doc, then please have a read of the ‘Making Of’ magazine. A huge amount of effort from a crew of just 16 went into the film, particularly by my partner and editor who battled heavy eyelids in the edit suite with me for 176hrs straight. I was so lucky to have such wonderful contributors and I very much hope that they inspire you as much as they inspired me!



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