Personal Projects

‘Maidenhead United Women FC – Lockdown Fitness’

Just a little lockdown project for our team socials to show people how we’ve been keeping fit – and an excuse to focus on my graphics skills.

‘The Accidental Suffragette’ – In Development

I can’t say much about the project, but essentially, the film will tell the untold story of the ordinary working class women of the East London suffragette movement, under Sylvia Pankhurst. My great, great aunt Elsie, was a nanny, then a cook. She was clumsy and careless but when she met Sylvia Pankhurst, she became involved in one of the the most significant movements of the 20th century. The film focusses on ‘Old Els’ as well as exploring some of the lesser known demonstrations of the era. It’s so exciting to discover so much about the movement and I hope that others will sympathise with the working women who gave just as much to the fight for suffrage, as the more celebrated suffragettes.

I began by touching up an old photo of Elsie on photoshop, but until we’re further into development, it’s all I can share!

Expected production dates – 2018

Elsie - Before & After 2mb

TEDx UCL Women – ‘Momentum’ Event
In May 2015 I was responsible for creating the promo film for the TEDx UCL Women event, in order to drive ticket sales. I was responsible for camera operating, sound recording and lighting as well as producing. We had major success with this video, selling out after the video was posted across the event’s social media platforms.

I am now working on a post-event video, which will be online within the next month.

TEDxUCLWomen presents Momentum from Kat Mace on Vimeo.

East Greenwich Pleasaunce – Feature for ‘The Greenwich Show’ 

October 2014 – Broadcasting on 23rd August 2015!

Screen Shot 2014-10-18 at 17.31.03 copyLast October we embarked on a 6min feature for ‘The Greenwich Show’ uncovering the past and present of a hidden gem – East Greenwich Pleasaunce. From maritime graves dating from the Battle of Trafalgar to the park cafe and monthly market we’ll be showing you the Autumn beauty of one of my favourite places in the borough.

As for ‘The Greenwich Show’, it’s not just local, it’s hyper-local.  The new series will be live on The Community Channel (Freeview HD 63, Sky 539, Virgin 233, freesat 651) on 23rd August. Our feature will be aired in Episode 1!

Check out the completed broadcast here:

DOP: Amir Qureshi, Sound: Kamal Shaddad, Producer: Kat Mace


GYOS Community Arts Film

May 2014

In May 2014,  I produced a 7min video with Greenwich Youth Offending Service, following the creation of a large mural of ‘the brain’ as part of a youth reparation project. The idea was to work with GYOS staff and young people to capture the creation of the mural, the learning processes involved and the journey from beginning to end. The film captured the first project of its kind with GYOS in the hope that it would act as a visual record and case study, to appeal for the funding of similar projects in the future. With more in planning, the film has done its job and is due to be screened at the mural’s unveiling in the near future.

GYOS 2014 from Kat Mace on Vimeo.

Producer/Camera: Kat Mace, Camera/Editor: Kamal Shaddad

TEDx UCL Women

Dec 2013

Last year I co-produced the filming of 12 TEDx Talks  at UCL London. There were various issues to solve along the way, such as, the existence of only two power sockets at the back of the lecture hall and a need to power three cameras, dedo lights and sound equipment. TED also has a huge amount of spec regulation that we had to conform to, so it meant a huge amount of planning and co-ordination between myself and the production team of the event at UCL. We can’t wait ’til next year!

Burlesque Baby

‘Burlesque Baby’ was a 10min documentary I directed and edited whilst at university. I thoroughly enjoyed the process of filming at events, getting to know the girls and learning what was needed to fill-out our ten minute running time.  The doc follows protagonist Tegan Brown and her fabulous onstage alter-ego Tete Bang – and I don’t use the word fabulous lightly. She has even gone on to feature in Jessie J videos!

It was an insight into a world I too had an opinion on, without even knowing what it’s all about. Is Burlesque really a seedy underworld, or is it about liberation and freedom among women (and men) that partake?

‘Burlesque Baby’ is also the debut of my voice-over career and the beginning of my relationship with garageband (which funnily enough has gone no further). I’d love to know what you think!

Burlesque Baby from Kat Mace on Vimeo.

HET – Regional Ambassador Launch

June 29th 2013

During my Final Major Project season I also travelled to film the launch of the Holocaust Educational Trust’s Regional Ambassador Programme. Here is a simple cut of the rushes. These are HET’s first ever Regional Ambassadors  and their aims for the future.