Logger – The Magaluf Weekender

On January 13, 2014 by katmace@me.com

In September 2012, I applied to TwoFour to help them out with logging the rushes they came back with from shooting in Magaluf. I had no idea what would be asked of me, only that I would be working for free for a week, logging the interviews from new entertainment format ‘The Magaluf Weekender’.

The Magaluf Weekender ITV2

The Magaluf Weekender ITV2

During my time here, I was working at Evolutions TV in Soho, opposite two guys from Dragonfly who were perilously watching as women gave birth, whilst logging ‘One Born Every Minute’.

I was using Cinergy, whilst they were logging via FORscene. During the week, not only did I become familiar with this new software, I began starring those moments where contributors would get emotional or angry, to draw the attention of the editor and make their job easier. It also meant that I had to overcome my fear of speaking on the phone in front of others, when I needed to contact the ingestors in the basement to re-ingest some footage that had become corrupt.

I became well acquainted with both the other loggers, as well as various members of the production team who popped in to have a look at rushes. I got some great advice from the loggers who were well travelled and had long been logging and assisting on various productions. I even managed to get some advice on Camp America, as I was thinking of applying, when they both drew my attention instead, to Camp Leaders.

I really enjoyed my time at Evolutions TV as not only did i manage to obtain some good industry advice, I was also exposed to my first hands-on example of television programming. It was exciting (even if Imogen’s accent did get a little frustrating after a while).

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